[ Choir singing ] >> Today we are blessed with a wonderful gift from God-- the Bible. This book is God's living Word. In its pages, we are told, "For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword." It is in this Book of books that we find the answers to all of men's questions and need. This morning, your area Churches of Christ welcome you to a program committed to that perfect law of liberty... [ Choir singing ] ...as we present "The Living Word." Now here is your host, Ray Sullins. >> Paul once proclaimed, "Do not grow weary in doing good." Thanks for joining us this morning for this service and work of the Lord God Almighty. The "Living Word" program is committed to proclaiming the simple truth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which is confirmed for us in the Bible. And I hope you all have your Bibles handy today as we enter into this time of worship and as we sing praises to God and study from His perfect Word. As we begin our offering to God this morning, will you bow with me before His mighty throne in prayer? Our God and Father in heaven, we are so thankful because you are a great and awesome God. We, Father, know that you have blessed us with everything that we need physically and spiritually, and we thank you for that, Father. We also are thankful, Father, for the opportunity that we have this day to gather and to sing songs of praise and to worship You and to lift up Your name on high, that we might show You how much we love You by obeying Your commands and doing those things in spirit and truth which are according to Your perfect Word. And, Father, we ask that today and every day we might shine as lights in this world, that we might help others to know You through us, and that ultimately we might all be found faithful in the end and receive the great promises and rewards that are given in Your Word, the Bible. And, Father, most of all, we thank you for the gift of Jesus and know that we are only found presentable and justified because of Him and the great sacrifice that He made, as well as His resurrection. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. It is now time to join in our songs of praise this morning. Our first hymn of the morning will be one that challenges us to know about the love of God. So won't you join in with the congregation at this time as we sing together "God Is Love." >> Come, let us all unite to sing God is love Let heav'n and earth their praises bring God is love Let ev'ry soul from sin awake Each in his heart sweet music make And sing with us for Jesus' sake For God is love God is love God is love Come, let us all unite to sing That God is love O, tell to Earth's remotest bound God is love In Christ we have redemption found God is love His blood has washed our sins away His spirit turned our night to day And now we can rejoice to say That God is love God is love God is love Come, let us all unite to sing That God is love How happy is our portion here God is love His promises our spirits cheer God is love He is our sun and shield by day, our help, our hope Our strength and stay He will be with us all the way Our God is love God is love God is love Come, let us all unite to sing That God is love >> Perseverance is a difficult thing for all of us, especially in the day and time which we live in. When there are so many opportunities around us for things to have, and really all the things that are presented before us, we often fall victim to those desires and things around us and often forget God and do not put Him first. Every time we go to the mall or into a store, we see something we like better or that we want. It doesn't matter that we already have something very similar. We want the latest and even the newest versions. Every time we drive down the road, we see a car or a house that we like better than the one that we have. It is because of all of these things of the earth that I say that often we have a difficult time persevering and continuing to accomplish what our God wants despite there are so many things around us of the world that pull us in that direction. How easy it must be for the devil to put these stumbling blocks in our way when so many things are made today to appeal to our flesh and our fleshly desires. No doubt, to persevere is a biblical topic. In fact, in 2 Peter 1, beginning in verse 5, we see that Peter includes perseverance among the Christian virtues that one must have in order to be found pleasing to God. How can we then know that perseverance is something that God has commanded, besides the obvious in the fact that God has presented it in His Word? Well, let's look at what Peter goes on to say in that same text in verses 8 and 9. There we read, "For if these things are yours and abound, you are neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is short-sighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins." You see, Paul also confirms the need that we persevere, and he says we also glory in tribulation, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and character hope. That is found in Romans 5:3-4. I hope we're beginning to see that the idea of being able to persevere is truly a very biblical subject. James also deals with this in James 5 and verse 11. There we are reminded of our first discussion of the morning and the quote that we used, as we understand the fact that James was trying to help us to realize that we are those who do face many things in life, but we still have to persevere. The verse actually says, "Indeed, we count them blessed who endure. You have heard it said about the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord, that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful." Who had greater perseverance, brethren and friends, than Job himself? He was a man of great spiritual stature, and he was one who was a blessed servant of God, who had so much of this world. But then what do we find? Well, he fell into the hands of the devil. However, Job, at the end, was able to persevere and ultimately remained faithful to God and did those things that God had commanded of him even though he had to repent. When things started getting tough, though, he was one who did have difficulty. But he had to what? Persevere. So what about us? When things start getting tough, are we those who just fall away? Or do we really persevere? When temptation seems to be attractive to us, do we just accept them and figure that we'll worry about it later or the consequences later? You see, we need to be more like Christ. We need to endure. We need to persevere and persevere no matter come what may. So, brethren and friends, as we strive to do those things that God has said, may we always persevere and endure according to the perfect will of the Lord. This morning, we will be continuing our series called "The Better Things from the Book of Hebrews." Our specific topic today is "A Better Maturity." So please continue with us this morning, and after our next song together, I will return with this study from God's Word. The name of our next hymn -- "He Is My Everything." >> He is my everything, He is my all He is my everything, both great and small He gave His life for me, made everything new He is my everything Now how about you? Some folks may ask me, some folks may say Who is this Jesus you talk about ev'ry day? He is my Savior He set me free Now listen while I tell you what He means to me He is my everything, He is my all He is my everything, both great and small He gave His life for me, made everything new He is my everything Now how about you? >> We're so glad you've continued with us this day. Now as we get right back into our discussion from the book of Hebrews, as we've really been considering some different ideas from each of the chapters of the book of Hebrews. And sometimes we're not considering maybe the most obvious things that would be considered from each of those chapters but maybe trying to bring out some new, great pearls of information or nuggets of wisdom that we might grow in as Christians. And in today's discussion, we are going to be at the end of chapter 5, although there in chapter 5, what we continue to see from a discussion that had already begun earlier is the idea of the priesthood of Christ and the comparisons of the old priesthood and the priesthood by which Christ now is of a greater priest and a high priest under the order of Melchizedek. And actually that goes all the way into chapter 6 and further into the book as well. But in that discussion, one of the things that is really talked about is the need for spiritual maturity. And so obviously as we think about the idea of Christ being a priest and the knowledge and the need that a priest would have for knowledge, we also understand that in this book we are told ourselves that we are priests of God. Christ is that high priest, and we, as the children of God, are those priests. He is the only mediator between us and the Father. And so we no longer, as under the old law, have to go through an individual or a man or a person, a spiritual guider, but we really go only through Christ, because we ourselves have the ability as priests to offer worship to God and to do those things that God has commanded of us through His new covenant in the way that He has commanded. So what about spiritual growth? There in verse 12, you might notice with me in the text that it speaks about the fact that there was a time, he says, that they should have been already teachers in the Word of God. And unfortunately, what we do find in the Lord's Church today, and really in religion as a whole, is people who are claiming to be followers of God, are servants of God, who really aren't very well versed in Scripture. I find it interesting that sometimes I'll mention a story in the Old Testament, a very familiar story, or I'll mention a familiar story from the New Testament and I'll say, "Have you heard of that story before?" in a Bible study or when I'm discussing with someone. And they'll say, "Well, no. I've never heard of that," and I'm almost just shocked or perplexed. How could you have never heard of the story of Jonah or of the story of maybe some of the great events that took place in Israel or the story surrounding Noah and those things? I'm not sure how you could live this long in America without knowing some of those things unless you have had no exposure whatsoever to religious matters. But when we again consider that, what Paul is telling the individuals here is that most likely you should now be teaching. You should be those who are the examples in and of itself. You should be those who are the standards of Christianity when really you have not accomplished that purpose. Well, we know that that is something given by God and required of the faithful. In fact, over in 1 Peter 3, verse 15, we see the challenge there to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts and to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us with meekness and fear. You see, one of the things that a Christian does is they grow so that they might know the will of God and therefore be able to give answers based on what God has revealed in His will. You see, what does that require? Well, it requires what we learned there in the book of 2 Timothy. That we are diligent or that we study to show ourselves approved, that we might be workers of God who rightly divide, who know the will of God enough to rightly divide it. Paul himself was an example of these things. You might remember with me there in 1 Corinthians 11:1, when he challenged the people to be imitators of him. See, he was one who had become a teacher, not only in word but also in deed and action, that they could imitate him, and if they did that, they would be found pleasing to God. And it wasn't just there, but we actually see that in the book of Philippians chapter 1, that Paul mentions how that his example of persecution and trial and difficulty and even imprisonment were great reminders of faith to the brethren to be able to do the same. And actually, he says, we're doing the opposite of what you might think. That the whole palace guard and really everyone was aware of his chains, which only gave him more opportunities to shine as light, to shine as the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So yes, when they should have been teachers or ought to have been prepared or ready to be teachers, they were not. And so he goes on to say, "For though by the time you ought to have been teachers, you actually need someone to teach you again the first principles of God." What was their issue? What was their problem? Look at verse 13. They were still in the milk of God's Word. In fact, the latter part of verse 12 says, "You have come to need even milk again and not solid food." If you'll notice there in verse 13, that's the contrast that he begins to clarify. He says, "You are partakers of only the milk, and therefore you are unskilled in the Word." Isn't that a sad thing? That someone would remain satisfied -- and what we really would say is apathetic and unwilling to change and grow and become more of what God wants. How can we be faithful to God's will if we don't know that will? And how are we going to learn it except we are either taught and/or study that will of God in his Word, the Bible. So you can see here that they were being rebuked by the author here -- most likely again Paul -- being rebuked in the challenge to understand that they were like babes. Now, we understand 100% what that means. I have a new grandchild, and he is still partaking only of milk, and yet he is growing every day. But little by little now, they are beginning to introduce more solid foods, but yet they're pretty much liquidy as well. But eventually he'll be able to get ahold of maybe some good meat or some good potatoes or things that are solid, that help him to grow, and he's going to grow and become older and older and stronger and stronger physically because of those actions. And we would understand that as that child gets to be six months and a year and two years old, that if he's still drinking milk, he's never going to grow properly. But then spiritually, what do people do? They keep talking about, "I'm a Christian." They keep focused on only the fundamentals. They really don't know the truth of God's Word because they haven't read it and they haven't studied it. You know, here's a question I might ask of you. Have you ever read the Bible through? And if you have never read the Bible through, you might want to do some soul searching to ask the question. If you've not even read the Bible through, how do you really know what it says other than what people have told you? You see the point? We have to be those who are growing, and those Hebrew brethren that were being addressed here, the Hebrew Christians were being told by Paul, "You ought to now be teaching and evangelizing and turning the world upside down with the gospel of Jesus Christ. But now, rather, you need people to teach you again the very simple truths of Jesus and the coming of Jesus and the death on the cross and the shedding of blood, the simple aspects of worshiping God." Isn't that a sad thing, that someone would be satisfied with that? And would you be really satisfied with that in a secular sense? Certainly not. Get on a job and you're just always satisfied with never growing or never learning more, because what's going to happen? You're always going to be the one who never is promoted or never makes more money or never gets any increases in salary because you're not growing, you're not improving, you're not getting better, you're not learning more, you're not applying what you have learned. Well, spiritually it would be the same disaster if we don't do what God wants us to do. As we think about that, then, in the book of Hebrews chapter 6, we might also notice that there is an explanation of their problem. In verse 1 beginning, he says, "Therefore, leave the discussion of elementary principles and go on to perfection." He lists the elementary principles such as the doctrine of baptism and the resurrection and laying on of hands -- these things that you really have already known. Leave those things. But now you need someone to teach you again. He says, "How sad. Because I would rather that you go on to perfection." See, that's what he's talking about back in chapter 5:12-13, when he says, "You're still just focused on the milk. You really haven't matured. You really haven't grown." The final thing I want you to notice with me this morning is found there in verse 14. In that verse it says, "But solid food, solid food belongs to those who are of full age." You see that good steak dinner is really a dinner that is for not that infant that we were talking about a moment ago, but that adult, somebody who's got the teeth and the ability to chew and then to digest that food properly. It might even make someone who is not able to eat that sick. Even an adult who has maybe health problems, they might become sick because they are not full grown or their body is not physically functioning well. You see how important it is to be spiritually healthy, to spiritually grow, to be ready, as it says here, for that food that is for the one of full age, that is for that adult? Are you an adult Christian? Are you growing, and have you grown into that adult that God wants you to be? Or rather are you one who is still a babe in Christ? Well, again, we find so many examples of this there throughout the New Testament. One is interesting there in the book of Corinthians -- 1 Corinthians in chapter 3. He actually tells the Corinthians something very similar to what he says to the Hebrew brethren in the other text. There in verse 1 he says, "Brethren, I would like now to speak to you as people who are mature," but what is the problem? He says, "But you are carnal. You are like babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk and not solid food," and even until now, he says, you're still not able to take the solid food. He's not saying that as a good thing. He's saying it as a negative thing. The same way as a father or grandfather, I wouldn't give a six-month-old steak. I would continue to give them the food that actually helps them to mature and grow to maturity, because I understand that they need to keep growing and increasing and moving toward being full grown to receive what it is that they are able then to receive. Peter makes a similar statement and even gives a similar warning in 1 Peter 2:2 when he says, "Don't be as newborn babes." And what is the problem again? Just desiring the milk of the Word. But he says really grow thereby. Well, you've got to have milk to grow, but some time, at some point, you've got to move on to the meat. And so what is it that the meat allows you to do? Look one more time in our verse 14 there. It says, "The one that is of full age by reason is able to then exercise their senses to discern both good and evil." How can you be an adult, how can you really be profitable in this life unless you know what the things are that you need to know, unless you have the knowledge, the knowledge spiritually of good and evil, and therefore to discern what is godly and what is ungodly. How are you going to be that Christian that you need to be? How are you going to be that adult that you need to be as a Christian, unless you really have grown? So let me challenge us as was challenged by the author here, that we not be caught up in just the fundamentals, that we not just be satisfied with drinking milk but that we grow by being those who eat what we need spiritually, so that we understand what even Jesus himself said, that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. >> I love Thy kingdom, Lord The house of Thine abode The church of the blessed Redeemer Saved with His own precious blood I love Thy church, O God Her walls before Thee stand Dear as the apple of Thine eye And written on Thy hand For her my tears shall fall For her my prayers ascend To her my cares and toils be given Till toils and cares shall end Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways Her sweet communion, solemn vows Her hymns of love and praise Jesus, thou friend divine Our Savior and our King Thy hand from every snare and foe Shall great deliverance bring Sure as Thy truth shall last To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield And brighter bliss of heaven >> What a wondrous time we've had together to participate in the worship before God this day. I hope we've all been encouraged through our time spent together. And please remember that you are invited to join us every Sunday morning at 7:30 as we commit ourselves to this service to God. But for now let me ask if you have any questions or comments about today's lesson. Maybe you'd like a free transcript or free CD or DVD of the program, or possibly we could assist you with free Bible materials or free Bible correspondence courses. No matter what your need is, please feel free to contact us at the following address, The Living Word, 2540 North Kansas Expressway, Springfield, Missouri, 65803. Many of these items are also available at our website. That address -- TheLivingWordProgram.com. Or if you prefer, you may call us at 417-869-2284. How blessed we are to have the Word of God, which guides us in all things pertaining to life and godliness. The question is, are we growing in the Word of God daily, and are we maturing in Christ as children of God? Why not make sure today that we are growing according to the will of God and that all we are doing in our daily lives is leading us towards eternal salvation? >> Our prayer is to help the world know more about God through this television program. "The Living Word" has been brought to you under the oversight of the elders of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ in Springfield, Missouri, with the assistance of the following area churches of Christ. [ Choir singing ]